
9th grade English

Students are creating scenes from Romeo and Juliet using photostory to depict what is happening. This particular student even drew all of the characters using a paint program.



In Chemistry students are collaboratively working on Wikispaces to discuss Alternative Energies.
Come and see...


Using Photostory

Students in Senior English classes are using a program called Photostory to help with their final projects for the semester.


Senior Projects

The 9th grade have begun their senior projects. This year they focus on different career pathways. Each student is required to investigate 3 careers. Our students this year have added some multimedia elements to their presentations with the help of our new computers.


Chemisty Comics...

Who would have thought that Chemistry and Comics are a good mix. In Mrs. Johnston's chemistry class the students were exploring some chemistry concepts with a program called Comic Life. Check out Megan W. and Erica M. showing off their talents.

Using Mind Mapping Software

One of the new pieces of software that Girard has embraced is Inspiration. It is a great program that allows students to create concept maps with pictures and graphics. Students in Ms. Holliday's English are using them to map out stories and characters....take a look at one done in 9th grade by Allie M, Ty T and Carliegh B.

Elementary Students get interactive

In Elk Valley Elementary School this year 5 interactive white boards were purchased to bring interactive learning to a whole new level. Boards are rotated between teachers who produce lessons surrounding the board. Here you can see Mrs. Wiser's 4th grade class doing their morning warm up activity! Mrs. Wiser agrees that students are much more attentive and interested when they can interact with the board.